Aesthetic Medicine
- Adverse events in Aesthetic Medicine
- Aesthetic and functional gynaecology
- Aesthetic Medicine
- Aesthetic Medicine and Acupuncture
- Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
- Anatomy and ecography in Aesthetic Medicine
- Biostimulation and Biorestructuring
- Case reports
- Combined protocols in Aesthetic Medicine
- Cosmetology: updates and innovations
- Dermatology of medical-aesthetic competence
- Edematofibrosclerotic panniculopathy and localised adiposity
- Evidence Based Aesthetic Medicine
- Fillers
- Hands and feet: update in Aesthetic Medicine
- Homeopathy and homotoxycology: Bio-Aesthetic Medicine
- Hyperpigmentation and melasma: therapeutic proposals
- Inflammatory skin diseases in Aesthetic Medicine
- Laser and Energy-based Devices in Aesthetic Medicine
- Marketing and Aesthetic Medicine
- Medical and surgical phlebology
- Mesotherapy in Aesthetic Medicine
- My best result
- My most challenging patient
- Neuromodulation and Mechanical Myomodulation
- New proposals in Aesthetic Medicine
- Non-surgical lifting: from threads to new technologies
- Nutrition, obesity and eating disorders
- Peelings: new approaches, new formulations
- Reconstructive Aesthetic Medicine
- Regenerative Medicine and PRP: innovations and scientific evidence
- Rhinofiller
- Social Aesthetic Medicine
- Tattoos: risks, safety and care
- Trichology updates
Aesthetic Medicine
Focus on
- Natural look: my point of view
- Truth and beauty: social media credibility
- Tyroid and Aesthetic Medicine
- Vitamin D: updates
- The Millennial Aesthetic Physicians
- The blemishes of the adolescence
- Truth is beauty. Aesthetic Medicine is Social Medicine
- Alternative indications of botulinum toxin
- Face and body skin laxity
- “Cellulitis”: new therapeutic scenarios
- Body dissatisfation, misperception and dysmorphism
- Environment, nutrition and health
- Ozone Therapy in Aesthetic Medicine: a restored method?
- Body reshaping
- Aesthetic Medicine and fluidity in the new generations
- Pigmentation disorders: state of the art
- Photoinduced skin reactions
- Inflammaging and skin
- From couperose to rosacea: a correct multidisciplinary approach
Anti-Aging Medicine
Focus on
- The microbiota today: myth or reality?
- Antioxidants: bioavailability and efficacy
- Endocrine disruptors: a role in Aesthetic Medicine?
- Aging and inflammaging
- The sleep and its changes with age
Aesthetic Medicine
- Adverse events in Aesthetic Medicine
- Aesthetic and functional gynaecology
- Aesthetic Medicine
- Aesthetic Medicine and Acupuncture
- Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
- Anatomy and ecography in Aesthetic Medicine
- Biostimulation and Biorestructuring
- Case reports
- Combined protocols in Aesthetic Medicine
- Cosmetology: updates and innovations
- Dermatology of medical-aesthetic competence
- Edematofibrosclerotic panniculopathy and localised adiposity
- Evidence Based Aesthetic Medicine
- Fillers
- Hands and feet: update in Aesthetic Medicine
- Homeopathy and homotoxycology: Bio-Aesthetic Medicine
- Hyperpigmentation and melasma: therapeutic proposals
- Inflammatory skin diseases in Aesthetic Medicine
- Laser and Energy-based Devices in Aesthetic Medicine
- Marketing and Aesthetic Medicine
- Medical and surgical phlebology
- Mesotherapy in Aesthetic Medicine
- My best result
- My most challenging patient
- Neuromodulation and Mechanical Myomodulation
- New proposals in Aesthetic Medicine
- Non-surgical lifting: from threads to new technologies
- Nutrition, obesity and eating disorders
- Peelings: new approaches, new formulations
- Reconstructive Aesthetic Medicine
- Regenerative Medicine and PRP: innovations and scientific evidence
- Rhinofiller
- Social Aesthetic Medicine
- Tattoos: risks, safety and care
- Trichology updates
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