The Italian Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine

The Italian Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (AIMAA)

The AIMAA Academy was founded in 2005 as an evolution of the Study Group of Anti-Aging Medicine, which in turn was formed within the SIME and the International School of Aesthetic Medicine of the Fatebenefratelli International Foundation (FIF).

The increase in life expectancy and the consequent increase in the proportion of elderly individuals in society has led on the one hand to the emergence of a series of health problems related to aging and, on the other, to a greater demand from patients for prescriptions aimed at achieving conditions of greater psychophysical well-being.

In addition to the need to cope with a greater number of geriatric conditions, there is a need to provide interventions aimed at preventing their onset and improving the conditions in which the third age of life is lived, thus further extending its duration.

A new “specialist” branch of Medicine was established in our country a few decades ago, which has been an ante litteram forerunner of all the main themes of anti-aging medicine.
Aesthetic Medicine was introduced in Italy with the foundation of the Italian Society of Aesthetic Medicine (SIME) by Carlo Alberto Bartoletti in 1975.
The practice of Aesthetic Medicine, as conceived by SIME and taught at the International School of Aesthetic Medicine of the Fatebenefratelli International Foundation since 1990, necessarily involves a wide-ranging diagnostic assessment (the “Aesthetic Medicine Check-up”), which is constantly updated in order to keep the patient’s psycho-organic conditions under careful surveillance and to proceed with continuing health education activities.

Each patient receives a personalised prescription that includes, among other things, dietary hygiene, physical activity graded according to age and ability, protection from stress and cosmetological protection of the skin, thus conferring on Aesthetic Medicine the peculiar role of Preventive Medicine.

More properly corrective measures complement, but do not replace prevention, which remains the priority in taking care of the patient.



Felice Strollo

Vice President

Francesco Romanelli


Nadia Fraone


Emanuele Bartoletti

Andrea Sansone

Maura Secchi

Maria Veraldi


As of today, the Academy has to its credit:

– 13 National Congresses as part of the SIME Annual National Congress, during which eminent researchers have given keynote readings on the state of the art of the main fields of application of Anti-Aging Medicine;

– 1 Training Course in Anti-Aging Medicine (A.Y. 2010-2011) promoted by the Fatebenefratelli International Foundation (FIF), at the Fatebenefratelli Hospital on the Isola Tiberina in Rome;

– 1 compendium of topics and disciplines of interest to the Anti-Aging Physician entitled “Anti-Aging Medicine – The Origins of Aging – Prevention – Anti-Aging Therapies” published by Editrice Salus Internazionale in 2011;

– 3 participations in the European Congress on Preventive, Regenerative and Anti-aging Medicine (ECOPRAM) promoted by the European Society of Anti-Aging Medicine (ESAAM).