Academy Chapter

Coordinator: Doctor Romualdo Crescenzo

Upon decision of the SIME Council, with authorization provided by the General meeting of members on May 12 2017, members are given the opportunity to propose the creation of Study Groups upon approval of the Governing Board.

The first Study group created is called Capitolo Accademia della Società Italiana di Medicina Estetica (Chapter Academy of the Italian Society of Aesthetic Medicine).

The Chapter Academy will have as its members the professionals who regularly paid the fee, graduated from the International School of Aesthetic Medicine of Fondazione Fatebenefratelli, and who will have expressly requested to be part of this group upon enrollment or yearly renewal.

The Chapter will be mainly involved in the following sectors:

  • Scientific Production
  • Diffusion on the territory of the SIME Philosophy
  • Presence abroad with presentations at foreign and international congresses
  • Scientific and experience discussion and exchange

The members of the Chapter will receive yearly the updated version of the dermo-cosmetological dossier drawn up by the International School of Aesthetic Medicine of Fondazione Fatebenefratelli

The institution of Chapter Academy coincided with the dissolution of the Italian Academy of Aesthetic Medicine, founded in 1994, and its integration inside SIME.

“On the occasion of the dissolution of AIDME, I personally thank also in the name of the entire BoD of the Italian Society of Aesthetic Medicine the BoD of AIDME for the work carried out so far which has contributed to the growth and promotion of the Aesthetic Medicine in Italy and for having always represented the operative branch of SIME. We thank the current President, Doctor Rosanna Catizzone and the former Presidents, Mr Fausto Perletto and Mr Pasquale Abruzzese for having increased, through the years, the sense of belonging to SIME thanks to the widespread coverage of AIDME. We also thank all the members of AIDME BoD, both present and past, and all the colleagues who actively collaborated on a regional level to increase the visibility of the Academy, and consequently of SIME.

A heartfelt thanks to the Board of Guarantors, for its constant presence and its support to the management committee through an active and thoughtful supervision.

And of course thanks to the SIME members who were and still are part of the Academy for always being the soul of the Italian Aesthetic Medicine, the “hard core” of our activity and growth.

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