SIME subscription

Subscription to the Italian society of aesthetic medicine includes:

– Inclusion in the dedicated Sime Members Session on the portal with search by city and region (in order to be placed on the portal, please send a photo in .jpeg format to the address:;

– Receipt of an annual subscription certificate;

– The possibility to use the SIME logo on their website;

– The possibility to receive the digital medical records dedicated to Aesthetic Physicians, compatible with windows. This software allows SIME members to manage patients in the right way. It includes the formulae to perfome instrumental evaluations and the “dermo-cosmetic dossier” in order to define the right cosmetic prescription;  

– Benefiting from a special rate for subscription at the National Congress of the Italian Society of Aesthetic Medicine, with a reduction of at least € 150, equal to the SIME membership fee;

– Periodical receipt of information and programmes on national and international events (theoretical-practical courses, internships, seminars, conferences, etc.);

– Benefiting from a special rate, and in some cases free of charge, to register for the training courses organised by Salus Internazionale ECM and sponsored by the Italian Society of Aesthetic Medicine;

– Receipt, for the entire year of subscription, the online version of the international scientific journal “Aesthetic Medicine”, official organ of the Union Internationale de Médecine Esthétique – UIME (we remind you that the journal now has free access. Once sales and subscriptions come into force, the magazine will be sent only to Members and subscribers) and the Italian journal La Medicina Estetica. Visit Aesthetic Medicine’s Website by clicking here;

Receipt, for the entire year of subscription, Aesthetic Magazine, SIME gazette dedicated to members for professional and institutional exchange and updating. The first issue of Aesthetic Magazine can be consulting by clicking here;

– Benefit from special agreements dedicated to SIME members (click here to look inside);

When completing the online form, it is possible to request insertion in the Study Groups activated by SIME that have the purpose of expanding producing scientific knowledge, its dissemination and coordination among the members involved.

It is possible to indicate 2 Study Groups of interest in addition to the Academy Chapter. The Member who is included in the Study Group undertakes to contribute actively to the Group’s scientific work.


SIME Articles of Association

SIME subscription

Renew your subscription to SIME

To be able to subscribe as a member of SIME:

  • FEE 2024 DOCTORS: 150,00 € 
  • FEE 2024 YOUNG DOCTORS: 100,00 € *
  • 2024 DISCOUNT FEE: 50,00 € **

* Fee reserved for doctors under 30 (attach certification)

** Price reserved for the students on the four-year course at Schools of Aesthetic Medicine (attach certification)

The annual member fee is valid for the current solar year 


Fully paid-up associate members may request the transfer to ordinary member, with voting rights, when they have been members for at least 3 years.

Ordinary medical members must have followed a specific training course in Aesthetic Medicine.

TO REQUEST THE TRANSFER TO ORDINARY MEMBER, it will be necessary to send to the SIME Secretariat:

– the duly completed downloadable form
– a recent digital photo of the face
– the names of the two Ordinary or Effective Member Presenters who will guarantee you
– a curriculum vitae in Italian and in European format (CV in the European downloadable template format).

The Secretariat will send the request to the Probi Viri and to the Board of Directors. After checking the candidate’s qualifications are coherent with the statutory principles, the request will be definitively approved at the first Ordinary Members’ Meeting. If the Board of Directors receives a reasoned opinion to the contrary from one or more Members, it will re-evaluate the application and issue an answer no later than 60 days.

For information, contact the SIME secretariat:

Via Monte Zebio 28 – 00195 Rome (Italy)
Tel: +39 06 3217304